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Uncover new data and insights across your searches, shortlists, and talent pools.
Opening the Insights Tab
First, configure a search using AI filters and run your search. When you see your results, you will also see the Talent Insights button at the top showing. You can click on the button to open the insights menu.
Use Cases for Insights
Top use cases include:
- Planning a Search with Data
- What are relevant target companies?
- Where is talent currently located?
- Which desired requirements may be hard to meet, given the talent pool?
- Changing a Search Strategy
- Company-level Analytics
Top recruiters use a collaborative and data-driven approach to plan a search. Create a strategy on your internal kick-off call:
Not finding the desired results in your search? You may need to make adjustments to your search → Insights gives you detailed insights into where your bottlenecks may be, which talent you’re missing, and where talent clusters lie.
Dive deeper into a specific company to discover their talent strategy, compare it with internal data, or identify specific employee groups.
Talent Map & Key Takeaways
At the top of the insights tab, you will see a map of talent, alongside the key takeaways.
Talent Map: The map shows you the geographical distribution of your talent pool on a city level. It will automatically adjust to the geography your talent is located in, showing you up to 10 cities.
Key Takeaways: The takeaways provide an aggregate overview of your talent pool, including stats and highlights from all sections. You can click into the key takeaways to automatically scroll to the relevant charts.
Years of Experience and Tenure
Next, view the years of experience and tenure in your talent pool.
- Years of Experience [Values]: Analyze the average, median, and percentile distribution of years of experience. To dive deeper into P25/P75 values, please see the info box below the graph.
- Years of Experience [Graph]: Visually analyze the distribution of years of experience across your talent pool. Years of experience is calculated as years of full-time work experience.
- Average Tenure: The average tenure of a profile represents how long they stay at a company before moving to a new company.
Skills, Employers, and Job Titles
Dive deeper into the employment background and skills of your talent pool.
- Skills: The most frequently occurring skills across your talent pool. If you have any skills selected or pinned in your search, they will appear in purple. Skills selected in the search will always be shown as part of the graph.
- Current Employers: The current employers of the talent pool. Note: if there is only one employer in the talent pool, the graph may be hidden.
- Current + Past Employers: Top companies where the talent has worked at some point in their careers, including current positions.
- Job Titles: Top job titles currently held by your talent pool.
Job Title Levels and Roles
Get seniority and department-level insights:
- Job Title Level: A pie chart representing a breakdown of the seniority levels in your talent pool.
- Job Title Role: A breakdown of talent by department, e.g. Engineering or Marketing.
Industries, Universities, Education Levels, and Majors
Get industry and education insights:
- Company Industries: Top industries talent currently work in. Note: these are based on the companies the individuals work in, e.g. someone working at Bank of America would be classified as working in Industry: Banking.
- Universities: Top universities attended by the talent pool. If an individual attended more than one university, both may be shown.
- Minimum Education Level: The degrees attained by the talent pool, displayed as minimum degree attained. For example, someone with a Master’s degree will also count into the Associate’s and Bachelor’s degree figures.
- Majors: The fields of study completed by talent. May include multiple fields of study per profile.
Languages & More
Depending on the prompt and search configuration selected, additional graphs and statistics may be displayed. Typically, these will include languages spoken among the talent pool.
Viewing Profiles within Insights
Curious to see the profiles behind the charts? You can select any chart column or label to dive deeper into the talent pool.
- Sample Profiles: The pop-up will show up to 15 initial results for your refined search. You can see the total number of matches by scrolling to the bottom.
- New Search: To view all profiles that match your criteria, select “Open in New Search” to create a new search with the selected filters pre-configured. You will also be able to run insights on your new search.
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